Proud To Be Main Dealers For
Nanni offers engines that comply to the strictest emission standards and they are in constant exchange with designers, boat builders and boat owners about the right amount of power required to reach the target speeds while avoiding excess consumption, pollution and noise.
What makes Tohatsu outboards different? While other manufacturers focus on building higher horsepower engines, at Tohatsu our focus has always been on building the most reliable engines. Our huge range of 4-Stroke and award-winning TLDI engines also include some of the lowest emission outboards available. Our engines deliver both power you can rely on and all the benefits of lower emissions.
Try a Tohatsu outboard engine and experience the difference. The difference is reliability.
Boats with electric drives are much more climate-friendly than boats with combustion engines. If you charge their batteries with fossil-fuel-based electricity, you reduce CO2 emissions by about 30 percent. But if the batteries are charged with electricity from renewable energy sources, emissions can plummet by up to 90 percent. Moreover, Torqeedo electric motors are outstandingly efficient. A Torqeedo Travel, for example, can cover more than ten nautical miles on a battery charge that delivers the same amount of energy as 40 g of gasoline.
We have applied our own technology and learnings to set the standards of today’s industry. From our patented Triple lock coupling head and our high-tech Super Ride Suspension through to our innovative Autoclamp system we are always driving the business to new levels.
As well as designing and building thousands of trailers, we also offer a full range of parts and towing accessories for most trailers including Ifor Williams and Brian James, all available throughout our online store, our network of independent dealers and our very own retail network of branches.